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Monday, June 18, 2012

Do It Yourself Gel Air Freshener (Smelly Jelly Recipes) For Inside Your Home

How To Make Your Own Color & Smell Combinations With These Easy Air Freshener Recipes

2 Cups Water
4 Packages Gelatin (Plain)
15 to 20 Drops Essential Oil (Adjust to Personal Preferences)
1 to 2 TBS Salt
Food Coloring

* In a small pit, mix 1 cup water, essential oil and food coloring. As soon as it starts to boil, remove from heat.

* Completely dissolve gelatin and salt in the hot water then add the other cup of water (Cold) and Stir Well (Gently so it doesn't foam).

* Pour into jars and set aside for a couple days before using so the gelatin has a change to completely set (You can refriderate to speed up the process). Once cooled, cover with lids that have a few holes punched in them to allow fragrance to escape.

The salt in this recipe is used to help combat mold, please make sure to add it.

Make sure the jars are completely clean before pouring in the hot liquid.

Other Tips you could cover the top with lace of netting instead of jar lids. Tie decoratively with ribbons, raffia, whatever you fancy.

Taken from